PTS Subsistence Claims.

Important  News


PTS Subsistence Claims.


We have been told there is a potential that the subsistence payment is a contractual right but the enforcement would be through small claims in the county court. The best way for UNISON to deal with this is by having some test cases but leaving it open for other staff to pursue their claims if these are successful.


To protect your right to do this later requires you to sign, date and send the attached letter to the Executive Director of Operations before the end of this month.


In the meantime you need to continue recording your subsistence claims as normal.





Paul Birkett-Wendes

Executive Director of Operations.


Springhill 2

Wakefield 41 Business Park

Brindley Way





Dear Paul



Changes to my Terms and Conditions - Subsistence Payments



I am a Patient Transport Services Driver working at Yorkshire Ambulance Service. You have made significant changes to my conditions of service by unilaterally withdrawing subsistence payments


I believe that the subsistence payment is a contractual entitlement. Changes to terms and conditions such as these have to be agreed either with myself or with the recognised Trade Unions at Yorkshire Ambulance Service.


UNISON has not agreed to this, nor have I.


I therefore believe that the changes to my terms and conditions of employment are an attempt to unilaterally vary my contract of employment. This will have no legal effect. Although I will continue to work for Yorkshire Ambulance Service this should in no way be seen as an acceptance by myself of any attempt to unilaterally change my contract of employment.


If the changes to my terms and conditions are imposed then I will either be taking legal action against Yorkshire Ambulance Service or, in the event of test cases being taken to Tribunal/court, I will await the outcome of the test cases before submitting a claim myself.



Yours sincerely,