UNISON Ballot Update

UNISON Ballot Update



UNISON has written to the Trust requesting a final Work Force Plan document, and other outstanding information, including amongst other things, job descriptions and scope of practices for all job roles, originally requested some time ago. Unfortunately these are still not forthcoming.


After a superb ballot result last year and agreements with ACAS it was felt that progress would be made to improve the working lives of all our members; however the changes required have been constantly blocked and held back, with various excuses given for the delay. Agreements reached with ACAS have been blatantly ignored to the increasing frustration of ourselves and our members.


Enough is enough; the Trust has been given more than ample time to bring forth its proposals. UNISON has always wanted to ballot members on the final proposal, and this has again been requested from the trust. However the decision has been taken that a time limit needs to be placed on the Trust. The Trust has been dragging their feet long enough, whilst members are still suffering from increasing levels of low morale, stress and fatigue. It is for this reason that UNISON now issues the following statement.


If the Trust fail to produce the final Work Force Plan and does not adhere to all previously agreed policies and procedures by 22nd June 2015, UNISON will instigate Ballot Procedures.