Health and Safety Notice Use of Vehicle Chargers

There has been an incident in Sheffield involving a UNISON member suffering electrocution from using a vehicle charger which, unknown to them, was damaged.

Please ensure that you check these chords are not damaged prior to plugging or unplugging a vehicle and report immediately to a CS if any damage is found.


The Trust is stating that care should be taken to ensure damage is minimised, ie they should be unplugged before using a vehicle, which is obviously correct. However, UNISON will also be raising the concern that, as regular damage is occurring, this equipment is not fit for purpose.


Any queries on this please contact UNISON Health and Safety Officer Bryan Bell 07984026725

One way of keeping our workplaces safe is for us to increase the number of Trade Union Health and Safety reps who can do regular inspections and report problems that staff are finding with equipment and the environment we work in.  If you are interested in this role please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Training and support is given for all UNISON reps.