EOC Members

Following the recent drop-in sessions held by UNISON for EOC members, concerns were raised surrounding the blanket ban that has now been placed on internet use. Members expressed concern that they used ‘browsing’ on the internet to keep their minds active especially during night shift

UNISON believes that internet browsing falls under the agreed terms of reading materials. The current rules on reading materials are listed in the SOP for EOC are;


Reading books, magazines and other publications unless work related through office hours is not allowed. This also includes smart technology such as Kindles and tablets. YAS Office hours are 0800-1800, Monday to Friday.

Reading materials must not interfere with the EMDs ability to resume their work immediately and if visitors are present in the EOC they will not be permitted. At no point is it acceptable for an EMD to be reading etc., whilst on a call.

There has been no change to this SOP and no request for any alteration through the appropriate groups. UNISON believes that browsing the internet falls within the scope of using ‘smart technology’ and as such members are still able to browse the internet outside of office hours.

Any problems you encounter should be reported to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.