A&E Consultation

The formal A&E Transformation consultation process is due to start this coming week.

The consultation process will be broken down into two 45 day periods. The first period will involve the distribution of the individual rotas keys, proposed policy changes and progression structure.

This first period will be the opportunity for stations to look at the proposed rotas and tweek them to how they want it to work for them, making sure that they keep within the required guidelines and framwork for demand etc.

It will also be an opportunity to populate lines and have any one to ones that members may request.

During this first 45 days and once individual station have had the opportunity to look at the package all the trade unions will then survey their members with a view to accepting or rejecting the proposal. Although you will receive an opportunity to vote from your own union, the results will be treated as a staffside ballot, and collated together to give a final accept or reject decision.

It is also important to recognise that this is a consultation process, and all members of staff affected have a right to put forward any issue that they may have to the Trust. As a staffside we will set up a staffside email address in order for members to feed back any issues or concerns.

If the package is agreed the policy changes will be adopted and then a further 45 days notice will be issued for the rotas to come into effect.

Kev Fairfax        Les Muir        Pauline Kiely

UNISON            Unite             GMB